October Success

Happy November!!

Can you believe it’s already November?? It seems like just yesterday I was graduating from college!!

A new month means a fresh start for monthly eBay sales. Although, October was a very good month for eBay sales!

Total Items Sold: 30

Total Sales: $823.26

Total Profit: $385.21

I can definitely get used to this cashflow!

Actually, I could have made even more money than that. eBay has strict rules in place for new sellers, and unfortunately, these rules also applied to me.

Category limits are in place for those who have been selling for less than 90 days. This means a new seller can only list 10 items per 30 days in one category (women’s clothing, men’s clothing, board games etc.) Since I was so successful, I hit my monthly limit the first week of October…

Wait. So you’re telling me that I’m technically being punished for my quick eBay success? That doesn’t seem right.

I tried calling eBay to see if they would allow me as an exception but all I got was a firm “NO.” So, I waited patiently for November 2nd to roll around, my three month anniversary date.

Then, finally! It’s November 2nd!!! Today, I was going to be able to list all the drafts I had saved and have unlimited listing privileges from now on!

Nope. eBay’s listing tool is having issues today. OF ALL TIMES.

So, I’m back at square one. Waiting… Maybe by the time I finish this post it’ll be up again.


London Fog Trench Coat

Paid: $10.00
Sold: $54.99 + free shipping= $54.99 total
Gross Profit: $27.85

New With tags Christmas Sweater

Paid: $4.99
Sold: $35.99 + free shipping= $35.99 total
Gross Profit: $20.62

New With tags valerie stevens cashmere sweater

Paid: $4.99
Sold: $40.00 + $13.75 shipping= $53.75 total
Gross Profit: $26.13

Let’s hope eBay’s listing is working now! Talk to you all soon!

– Katlin

A Defuzzing Nightmare

I have been in a bit of a sales slump, until yesterday. I sold 4 items totaling $90! That’s awesome for someone who is just selling part time!

But, the real disappointment was the mistake I made on Tuesday.

I recently got the coolest tool ever! Or so I thought. It’s an automated fabric defuzzer, so basically it “de-pills” sweaters and saves a TON of time. Mind you, before this I was picking off the pills and lint one by one.

I was packaging a sweater up to ship, and thought I would try out the shaver. I must have gotten a little carried away, because next thing I know there is a big hole right on the sweater sleeve!! Fan-freaking-tastic.

I’m freaking out now, because I don’t want to have to cancel the order. Cancelling an order results in a defect on my eBay account, and you can only have a certain percentage of defects before you are suspended or even banned from eBay. I already had one defect from my very first sale–small rookie mistake. Two wouldn’t have me suspended, but there is no room for any more mistakes.

At this point I had a few options:
1. Sew the hole up.
2. Find another exact sweater and have it shipped to them.
3. Take the defect and move on.

The hole couldn’t be sewed up as it was in an awkward place and pretty big. After about 15 minutes of searching for an exact sweater online, I had no luck. So, the only other choice was to just cancel the order and issue a refund.

I sent the buyer a very apologetic message explaining the situation, reluctantly hitting the send button. I cancelled the order and refunded the full amount.

Oddly enough, I haven’t actually heard back from the buyer… Let’s hope this is a good thing.

On the bright side, there is always a lesson to be learned from mistakes! This case was not an exception.

Always fully prepare (de-fuzz, de-pill, wash, cut any loose strings, iron etc.) clothing items BEFORE listing.

I’ll have to admit, I’m a little nervous to use that fabric shaver now… I may just have to go back to the manual, time consuming method, or pay closer attention.

here are a few of my sales from this past week!


Paid: $1.97
Sold: $20.00 + $9.00 shipping= $29.00 total
Gross Profit: $18.03

Men’s ralph lauren flannel

Paid: $3.00
Sold: $19.00 + $7.05 shipping= $26.05 total
Gross Profit: $16.00

Beth bowley trench coat

Paid: $6.99
Sold: $28.75 + $7.05 shipping= $35.80 total
Gross Profit: $21.76

New with tags smith & hawken shortalls

Paid: $6.99
Sold: $22.99 + $5.95 shipping= $28.94 total
Gross Profit: $16.00

– Katlin

Diversity Thrift

As I’ve said before, selling on eBay is a learning process. You will not magically know everything after Day 1. It will take many trial and errors, that result in low profits and even lost money, but once you get the hang of it, there is no going back!

This past week I was able to go to a new thrift store, Diversity Thrift, during my lunch break at work. All of the proceeds here go to the local LGBT community. Oh, and I noticed they even have free condoms at the cash register ha ha ha! Since I’m used to shopping at Goodwill and know my way around there, I was hesitant to try a new place, but boy, have I been missing out!

First, this place is huge, and quite frankly, a little overwhelming. I ventured my way into the clothing area, which seemed manageable at first, but as I turned the corner I realized there was a whole other room packed with clothes. There was no way I could get through it all within my lunch break!

After skimming the clothing racks for what seemed like hours, I was able to walk away with 3 Chico’s sweaters, 2 pairs of designer jeans, 2 men’s Brooks Brother’s dress shirts, a Banana Republic dress shirt, and my favorite, an Anthropologie trench coat! All 9 things for only $30!

Tip: Goodwill has a list of brands that the employees are supposed to be on the lookout for, and when one of the brands comes up, they have to mark it up in price.

After being able to get designer jeans at the thrift store for $5 each, as opposed to minimum $10 each at Goodwill, it’s safe to say I’m not so much a fan of Goodwill anymore! Sure, you can find great things there, but if you’re a profit seeker like me, you will most likely be disappointed.

I have now decided to check out one new local thrift store in Richmond a week to see if I will be as successful there as I was at Diversity Thrift!

Here is my best flip this past week.

Michael Kors Sweater
Paid: $6.99
Sold: $22.95 + $4.04 shipping= $26.99 total
Profit (after fees): $13.15

Not a huge profit, but like I said, I am still learning everyday which clothes sell better than others.

Lastly, I wanted to end with one of my favorite phrases. A phrase that goes through my mind each time I walk out after scoring some deals.

Treat Yo’ Self

– Katlin

Goodwill From Goodwill

Katlin-1 Goodwill-0

I hit the mother load at Goodwill yesterday! After 2 1/2 hours of scanning the racks, I walked away with a total of 25 items for $136!! 

I actually even got a couple things for myself!!
The brands range from J.Crew, Banana Republic, Nautica, Ralph Lauren, Brooks Brothers, Christian Dior, and American Eagle.

The total stash included: 

  • 10 men’s dress shirts
  • 3 men’s sweaters
  • 4 women’s sweaters (2 of those being 100% cashmere)
  • 2 women’s Christmas sweaters new with tags (saving these until Christmas time)
  • 1 vest
  • 1 pair of jeans 
  • 1 pair of shorts
  • 1 pair of dress pants
  • 2 ties

After looking at the average prices of all these items, minus the couple things I’m keeping for myself of course, I stand to make a profit of around $175! I couldn’t be more excited!

Oh, in addition to my Goodwill raid, this past week I was able to get 20 pairs of girls/juniors jeans for $25! Yet another steal!

Well, I better get to listing all these items, but I just couldn’t wait to share my exciting news with you all!

– Katlin



I’m Gonna Pop Some Tags

As promised, here is my first blog about my eBay business!
I’m going to be talking about where to shop for clothes to resell!

Where to Shop 

There are a number of places you can find good deals.

1. Yard Sales

I’ll let you in on a little secret of mine. Yard sales are a gold mine.

Often times people will let designer clothes go for next to nothing, otherwise known as a reseller’s dream! Additionally, you have the ability to haggle with the price to get an even better deal, something you typically can’t do at thrift shops. (This is where my newly learned sales techniques come in handy)
There is truth in the phrase “the early bird gets the worm”, so get up and get to those yard sales early to find the best items before they are picked over!

Disclaimer: From my own experience, getting up early on a Saturday after a long work week is not as easy as it may sound.

2. Thrift shops

Thank you Macklemore and Ryan Lewis for making these places famous.

For those of you who don’t quite understand “getting up early on a weekend,” thrift shops may be exactly the place for you! With just a quick Google search, you’ll be able to find TONS of thrift shops in your area. Each week I have been testing out different thrift stores in my area to find the ones with the most hidden treasures.

Although you can find great deals anywhere, I would recommend finding thrift stores in a more “upscale” area. This increases the chance of finding higher end, designer brands.

Oh, and one more thing: This type of shopping should be taken seriously and most people, yes, even your best friends, won’t understand this type of competitive shopping. That being said, I would recommend going by yourself to thrift stores.

Disclaimer: This could result in spending more than just a couple of hours in one store.

3. Goodwill


The reason I didn’t classify Goodwill under the thrift store category is because of its inflated prices. I do have to admit that I visit the Goodwill stores the most often. I think it’s because all the clothes don’t seem to just be thrown on a rack and tossed on the ground like many thrift shops are.

Tip: Every week Goodwill has a specific tag color 50% off.

For example, last week was blue. All the items with a little blue tag on it are half off!Shirts are $2.50 compared to $5.00, blazers are $3.50 compared to $7.00! Such a bargain! Because of this rule, I usually will skip over most of the other colored tags on items, unless of course it’s a designer brand that I know will sell, and look specifically for the sale items. This way, I know I can at least make somewhat of a profit when I sell.

4. Your Own Closet


I wish I had a closet that looked like that.

Who would’ve known?! Your own closet could quite possibly have some gems that would sell for big bucks! This is actually how I started my eBay business. I started by going through my closet, looking at each item of clothing, and determined whether I recently wore it within the past couple of months, or if I was really just hoarding it.

On a side note, I have a ton of clothes that don’t fit anymore (thanks college) and have been keeping them for when I lose the weight. Well guess what? That never actually happened and still has yet to happen. If this does miraculously happen, who’s to say I will still like that piece? So, why not just make a few bucks out of it?

When deciding what clothes to sell, make sure you are only selling the clothes that are in good condition, no tears, stains, pilling etc.

That’s all I have for today! As always, Let me know if you have any comments or suggestions! I always love hearing new ideas!
Enjoy! 🙂

– Katlin

Guess Who’s Back, Back Again.

Hey y’all! I ultimately decided to take a blogging hiatus and focus on finding a job and figuring my life out as much as I could. But, now I’m back and better than ever!

A bunch of awesome things happened while I’ve been gone!!

1. I got an internship at a local HVAC company in the residential department.

I think I was most excited about the fact that I got my own cubicle, which of course I decorated almost immediately. Oh, and nobody else has their’s decorated for some reason… I mean who would want to stare at a blank gray wall all day long? Not me. I met so many great coworkers and spoke with many great…and not so great customers. The only bad thing about this position was that I was required to sit at a desk and stare at a computer from 9-5 Monday-Friday. My Jawbone step tracker wasn’t appreciating it either. Now, onto the most important part.

2.  Not even 2 months into this internship I was offered a full-time position as a Sales Rep for maintenance agreements in the commercial department!! MY FIRST BIG GIRL JOB!

I have told myself for years, I will NEVER be in sales. Yet, here I am! It’s an exciting step for me, and has a ton of fantastic opportunities, so I am embracing it! Basically what I will be doing is selling maintenance agreements for HVAC systems to businesses around the area. I won’t bore you with the logistics of it, but just one thing:

Regularly scheduled maintenance on your systems will add years onto its life and lower future repair costs and visits.

Who wouldn’t want to save money and feel at ease and comfortable in their own business? Anyway, enough of that. Moving on..

3.  I started using eBay to sell a few of my old clothes to make a few bucks, and it has now turned into a full-blown addiction.

After researching the benefits of selling on eBay and the profits that could be made, I decided to try it out myself. I started by selling some clothes I don’t wear anymore that are in good condition. This earned me a whopping $90 in profits! A pair of plain ole American Eagle Jean shorts sold for $18! After that, I was hooked. I began frequenting area thrift stores and Goodwill, in search of cheap, name brand clothing to sell. I listed a few pieces of clothing I had bought for next to nothing, and once again, the money started flowing in. I now try to stop by the Goodwill near my work during my lunch hour at least once a week, to pick up a couple of good finds to sell, and every now and then a cute top for myself!

Stay Tuned!!
I am going to start focusing my blog on my eBay business and offer tips for others who want to start, but are unsure where to even begin. Don’t worry though, I will still make sure to slide a few blogs about my personal life too! 😉

Talk to y’all soon,

The Price for Adulthood


I know it’s been a little while since my last blog. I’ve had a little bit of writer’s block recently… I just haven’t had any inspiration! Until yesterday.

Yesterday, I truly became a real adult. Here’s how it went…

I had a real professional interview yesterday. A few days prior, I came to the realization that 1. All of my professional clothes are still at my apartment at school and 2. I didn’t actually own a nice interview skirt suit. So, I went on a mission to find one.

I went out to Kohl’s with high hopes, but left disappointed. There were literally NO professional clothes there. I gotta say, I’m quite unimpressed with Kohl’s. Next, I hesitantly tried Dress Barn. Nothing. Lastly, I looked at Stein Mart. They had a few things, but nothing that fit just right. Panic mode set in immediately. I was not going to find a suit for my interview that was TOMORROW.


I came to the realization that, unfortunately, I am going to have to go to the mall to find something the day of my interview. GPoor planning on my part.

With my wallet in hand, I headed out early to the mall. I decided to look at Ann Taylor. When I walked in, a really nice employee, Tish, came to my rescue and picked out the perfect skirt suit for me! Here’s the catch though, I never actually looked at the price tag… So, I went up to the register and the total came out to $271!!! My stomach dropped so quickly, and I honestly died a little inside.


And that was the moment I realized I was now an adult. A grown up. A real woman. But hey, I now have a very nice skirt suit that I can wear maybe a few times a year. I walked out of there with 2 hours to spare until my interview.

Morals of the story:
1. Don’t wait until the last minute for anything. Always be prepared in advanced.
2. You will finally become an adult when you spend over $250 on a suit.

– Katlin

10 Things That Happen When You Move Home From College

Last week was my first full week of living at home post-graduation style. To say the least, it’s been a real transition and eye opener for both my family and me.

That being said, here are 10 things that happen when you move back home.

1. You will memorize the daytime TV schedule.
Hours of HGTV marathons.


2. Your parents will expect you to contribute to the household.
Wait so you’re not going to wait on me hand and foot?


3. Finding a job is not as easy as it looks.
Maybe Walmart will actually hire me.


4. Your parents will drive you absolutely nuts.
No, I didn’t make my bed today.

giphy (1)

5. You now have to pay for everything.
But I spent all my money online shopping yesterday.


6. You think you will start exercising, but you won’t.
That would mean I would have to get up off the couch.


7. You’ll threaten to move out.
Usually resulting in laughter from my parents.

giphy (3)

8. You’ll realize you don’t have friends at home anymore.
My dog is the only friend I need.

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9. You’ll realize that being an adult sucks.
Eat, work, sleep, repeat.


10. You’ll realize college was the greatest time of your life and would do anything to go back.
College was just so easy compared to this life I’m now living.


– Katlin


Mom and Dad

Mom and Dad

Wow! It sure has been a while since I blogged! Life has just been so busy lately! I will now definitely have more time to blog and keep y’all informed of my allegedly eventful life.

And now, the moment you all have been waiting for…. I GRADUATED COLLEGE!!

This past Saturday, I attended my very own college graduation from Christopher Newport University. The class of 2015 included 1,200 graduates, and yes, they announced every single name. 

I was blessed to have nine of my family members came to see my graduation. Graduation was held on the Great Lawn in with the brand new Christopher Newport Hall as the backdrop.
Fun Fact #1: CNU’s Great Lawn is the longest lawn in the Commonwealth of Virginia– we beat UVA by a few inches.
Fun Fact #2: The exterior of Christopher Newport Hall was finished just days before graduation. So basically the building was built just to serve as the backdrop for graduation! The interior will not be completed until July.

Christopher Newport Hall, also referred to as the

Christopher Newport Hall, also referred to as the “Taj MaPaul” and “The Capitol”

The weather cooperated, and at first, the cloud cover made the heat tolerable. But soon enough, the sun decided to peek out from the clouds. Guess what? Our caps and gowns are black, resembling the material of a trash bag. We basically sat there for three hours in a puddle of our own sweat as we acquired attractive cap tan lines on our foreheads.

Anyway, enough complaining from me.

Pennies have a special meaning to me, as I was taught by my grandmother that they are gifts from God, little messages that let me know God is watching over me. Whenever I find a penny, I am given hope and strength, always finding them exactly when I need encouragement. When I learned of the penny tradition at CNU, I knew I had chosen the right university.

Every incoming freshman takes an oath to live honorably and signs the honor code. Upon doing so, each is given a penny for luck and as a symbol of their commitment in the hope that he or she will keep it over the next four years, and then toss it into the Geese Fountain during the procession to the Great Lawn at commencement.

Our entire class then walked towards the Great Lawn and took our seats. Opening remarks by President Trible were made and awards were given. Our keynote speaker, Anne Holton, daughter of infamous Virginia governor, Linwood Holton, spoke of the lessons she had learned from her parents. Honestly, I don’t remember much of what she said because I was focused on the fact that I probably sweat out my entire Freshman 15 sitting in the heat.

I have to say, the thrill of hearing my name being announced, Katlin Marie Dearmon, as I walked across the stage was immense. I have shaken the hand of CNU’s president, Paul Trible, hundreds of times as a student, but this time, it was different. This time, as I shook President Trible’s hand, he simultaneously handed me my diploma. MY COLLEGE DIPLOMA. 

Another commencement tradition is that each graduate gives President Trible’s wife, Rosemary, a hug. All 1,200 graduates, including myself, were able to embrace Rosemary. As I hugged her, multiple emotions rushed over me, happiness, sadness, excitement, even shock as the idea of graduation finally sank in.

Hugging Rosemary Trible

Hugging Rosemary Trible

Graduation signifies the end of an amazing journey, but the start of exciting new adventures. I will leave you all with my reflection that was featured in the Commencement program.

CNU means many things to me. CNU has granted me countless valuable opportunities. CNU is where I became a founder of an amazing organization, Delta Gamma. CNU is where I met my best friends. But most of all, CNU is my home away from home. Thank you to my family, friends, sisters and, of course, God for continually supporting me throughout this stage of my life and those to come.

Oh wait, one more thing. To alleviate my number of required responses regarding the infamous recurring questions for college graduates:

“So, what’s next?”

I actually have no idea what I am doing yet. I am living at my parent’s house, but have my apartment at CNU until June 15th. I am actively job searching. I am hoping to go into the marketing and advertising industry. No, I don’t want to stay in the Newport News area. I am figuring it out as I go.

– Katlin

I made it!

I made it!

The Secret to a Successful Job Search


Job searching sucks. Sometimes it seems like a lead gets you nowhere or a string of rejection. But, the one problem you should avoid while searching for jobs is NOT BEING PREPARED. 

My dad gave me this awesome book called All Systems Go: How to Launch a Successful Job Search, and it has helped me tremendously! My dad used to do some business with the author, Tom Cairns, and from reading his bio, he’s definitely a successful guy. The book guides readers through the entire job search process from beginning to end with insightful tips and tricks to conquering the job search packed inside of this lifesaver book.

So, I dare say, skip your weekly Chipotle lunch, and use that money to purchase this book. I promise you won’t regret it. Heck, why not eat Chipotle and read it at the same time!


– Katlin